It's the 


Where CONTENT is King!

So Make 'em Laugh

at the Capri Cinema on 

Sept. 26th 2022 as much as you can in 20 minutes or under! 


Winners will receive a consult on the LOGLINE of their next project.


unique optional extras were popular with entrants in our first festival last year.

Option 1. 

A concise review closely examining the content of your movie by Adelaide Film Critic Dave Bradley..

Option 2.

 Suggested content/ feedback by judges to improve your movie.

Another first for film festivals, Madcap is offering film-makers the opportunity to re edit their movie and re-enter if they make the first deadline (Feb 28th 2022 and opt for a film review or feedback.

Madcap's aim is to award content driven by excellence and the filmmaker's creative ability, with an emphasis on writing and performing comic content, rather than rewarding special effects and the cinematic qualities. 

Madcap's awards are 

- Best Comedy  

- Best Script  

- Best Comic Character

- Best Gag/Comic Situation

All award winner's films will be screened at the Capri Cinema Goodwood, South Australia. Adelaide's leading independent Art Deco Cinema, on September 28th 2022. 

All winners with receive assistance in the development their next production.



Please note: All Short Films 20 mins and under made after 2018 qualify, provided it is an International and Australian Premiere.

Please aim for clever, witty, satirical, zany, sophisticated comedy content. 


If your short film has been broadcast on TV/ Online or in competition at Festivals in Screen Australia's selection it is not an International or Australian Premiere.

Tropfest and Over the Fence film festival screenings count as Australian Premieres.

© 2020 madcapcomedyinternationalshortfilmfestival. All rights reserved.
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